US Clients Recoveries

$4M Recovery

52 Yr. Old woman suffered multiple broken bones in auto accident, requiring 3 surgical procedures.

1.17M Fall Down Verdict

Trip & Fall on a public sidewalk. The adjacent business owner created a condition on its property which created a repetitive hazard for pedestrians using the abutting public right-of-way.

$1M Auto/Pedestrian

Plaintiff was struck down in a crosswalk by a rideshare vehicle. The client suffered a traumatic brain

$300,000 Premises Liability

A male client who patronized a South Florida Nightclub, fell exiting a short flight of stairs into the Champagne Room. As a result, the client ruptured his triceps tendon requiring surgical repair.

The club refused to allow a pre-suit inspection of the stairs which Complaint alleged was upon information and belief, in violation of the local building codes.

$560,000 Auto Accident

Automobile Collision

32 year old woman was struck on the rear drivers side when another vehicle merged inro her lane of traffic. She suffered an injury to her back requiring a lower lumbar disectomy and fusion. The case was settled 2 weeks before trial.

Confidential Settlement

Medical Malpractice

Wrongful Death of an 81 Year old man survived by a wife and an adult child while undergoing a routine medical procedure.

$540,000 Auto Accident

34 year old Florida Resident was driving a pickup truck in Broward County. The single lane in which our client was traveling merged with another lane of travel to her left. The other lane of traffic to her left had a yield sign and the vehicle to her left failed to yield to her pickup truck on the right, striking the drivers side rear of our client's vehicle with the front passenger side of his vehicle. The resulting damage was less than $2,000.00. Following the accident, the client complained of low back pain resulting in two years of treatment and a single level discectomy and fusion in her low back. Our client admitted she was not wearing her seatbelt and the defendant claimed that these injuries could not have occurred from this collision and if they did, it was the result of our client's failure to use an available seatbelt. Additionally, the defendant refused to admit fault and claimed our client must have been speeding, as he never saw her until the collision.

587,000 Auto Accident

Auto Accident

67 yr old widow was t-boned at an intersection in Broward County. She suffered a knee and shoulder injury requiring arthroscopic surgical repair and a closed head injury. Her medical bills were in excess of $75,000.00.

$585,000.00 Premises Liability

A 42 year old Michigan resident traveled to a resort in the Caribbean Islands for a vacation. While at a resort, the client was injured while dancing in the resort's Disco. At that time, an apparatus near the dance floor fell, causing her to fall to the ground and the apparatus then fell on her ankle, causing a vertical fracture of the talar dome. The employees of the resort failed to secure the apparatus to the floor as was intended. As a result, the client immediately flew back home to Michigan for surgery and over a course of two and-half (2 ½) years, had two more surgical procedures and medical expenses totaling $140,000.00. Jurisdiction was established in Florida, as the central operations for the Caribbean company was operating an office in Florida and suit was filed in Federal Court in Miami. The matter was settled at Mediation.

$210,000.00 Premises Liability

A 42 year old housewife received 2° burns on her right buttocks and portions of the back of her right leg. The client's areas of injury ultimately healed well, leaving areas of hypopigmentation (light spots) on her right thigh and calf, when her dress caught fire while walking down a public boardwalk behind a restaurant. The main Defendant was a fire performance company who was hired by the restaurant to perform a fire show for its Patrons seated on the rear patio. During the course of the performance, the performers left the performance area moved a lit cauldron to the edge of the boardwalk and the owner of the company asked a friend to stand guard over the small low lying cauldron placed on the edge of the boardwalk and used to light its performance equipment. The cauldron was not properly guarded to prevent pedestrians from coming into contact with the lit cauldron and while the Plaintiff and her husband were walking down the boardwalk, a breeze caused the Plaintiff's dress to come in contact with the lit cauldron and her dress caught fire. The Plaintiff was treated in the emergency room, then released and was followed by a Plastic Surgeon for debridements and wound care. Her total medical expenses were approximately $7,800.00. The matter which was litigated for more than two years settled three weeks before Trial.

$4.8M Medical Negligence

Medical malpractice/Failure to test for Phenylketonuria. A Florida hospital failed to perform the state required test for PKU at birth of a female infant. The test results were never recorded in the patient's record and it was not until the patients sister was born 6 years later who tested positive for PKU that the parents had any idea as to why their daughter was mentally retarded. At that time the parents advised the sister's physician that they had a mentally retarded sibling with an IQ of 56. Testing was ordered which was positive for PKU. An investigation conducted at the request of the Chief physician at the hospital revealed that the PKU test was never performed which if performed would have allowed for appropriate medical treatment preventing the retardation.

$1.2M Medical Negligence

Medical Malpractice. A 49 year old female had been diagnosed with a herniated disc at L4-L5. Her physician performed a laminectomy to relieve her back pain. She continued to complain of back pain. A second mylogram performed by her physician revealed the herniated L4-L5 herniation with post operative fibrosis. A chemonucleolysis procedure was performed whereby Chymopapain was to be injected into the disc to relieve the complained of back pain. However, the radiographs revealed that the needle penetrated the thecal sac in the spine instead of the disc. The physician tendered his million dollar policy of insurance at mediation. Subsequently, the Chymopapain manufacturer paid an additional $200,000.

$545,000 Auto/Bicycle

Bicyclist struck down in an intersection causing an Orbital fracture and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

$1.2M Negligence Electrocution

Lineman hired by FPL was hired to replace a part on its power lines. FPL failed to de-energize the lines where this independent contractor was working, resulting in the loss of his arm from the elbow down.

$1.4M Slip & Fall

Slip & Fall at a resort. 72 year old female plaintiff fractured her back which required a multi-level lumbar fusion with hardware.

$569,000 Equipment Installation

Owner of a drycleaning store suffered multiple herniations when a 200lb watertank which was supended from the ceiling fell onto the back of his neck while he was working. The water tank along with the washer and dryer was installed by the distributer of the equipment. The distributer did not have the required contracting license to install the equipment including the water tank which was negligently suspended from the 15ft ceiling above a work area. The distributer denied that they installed any of the equipment. In addition to filing suit a complaint to the State licensing board was made for performing contracting work without a license. The case was settled shortly before trial and not long after the case was settled the State licensing board who investigated the complaint found the distributer guilty of performing contracting work without a license.

$200,000 Auto Accident

77 year old Delray Beach resident and his wife (67) were stopped for a light at an exit ramp off l-95. Another vehicle which just exited off l-95 traveling at a high rate of speed, attempted to pass their vehicle, striking the rear passenger tire and traveled alongside the length of their car. The vehicle which the clients were driving was a new vehicle and as a result of this collision was rendered a total loss. The wife suffered minor neck and back injuries and husband suffered an aggravtion of a prior shoulder injury previously repaired surgically which now required another shoulder surgery. The $100,000.00 Policy Limits for the at fault driver were tendered by the Insurance Company for the husband, and the husband's UM carrier paid an additional $85,000.00 to settle his claim. The wife's claim was settled for $15,000.00.

$100K Legionnaires/Spoliation

Plaintiff, age 49, was renting a villa in the Orlando area. He fell ill, was hospitalized and diagnosed with Legionnaires disease. The management company, upon receiving notice of the Plaintiff's contraction of the disease, replaced all fixtures throughout the villa, threw out all of the old fixtures and never ordered any testing or inspections for Legionella in the villa.

$70,000 Trip & Fall

Trip and fall over raised concrete driveway at a residence. Plaintiff was walking down the driveway towards the street, when her heel lodged into a chipped portion of the raised driveway causing her to lose her balance, due to the 1 1/2" drop down. She suffered a broken wrist requiring a single surgery.

$100,000 Auto Accident

Auto accident. Plaintiffs' vehicle was struck head on to the left, by the Defendant. Plaintiff's late model Hyundai was totaled. She suffered a meniscal tear in her knee, requiring arthroscopic repair and a disc herniation in her neck. No neck surgery was ever performed.

$175,000 Slip & Fall

Slip and Fall in fast food Restaurant. Client suffered a femure fracture requiring a partial hip replacement.

$200,000 Negligent Auto Repair

Client's car caught fire as a result of a faulty repair at a mechanic shop. The fire caused the client to pull off the road crashing into the curb. He exited the car just before it became engulfed in flames. Psychological injuries only.

$40,000 Auto Accident

24 year old woman was rear ended at approximately 20 m.p.h.. She suffered soft tissue injuries to her upper body.

$225,000 Trip & Fall

Trip and Fall inside a work bay of a commercial garage. Plaintiff, a 78 year old male, was walking around the work bay area and tripped over a hydraulic lift, resulting in a single level cervical fusion.

International client Recoveries

1.17M Fall Down Verdict

An English Citizen Fell on a public sidewalk. The adjacent business owner created a condition on its property which created a repetitive trip hazard for pedestrians using the abutting public right-of-way.

$325,000 Premises Liability

A 67 year old British citizen was injured at a Florida theme park.

As she was directed through the handicap gate by an employee, the 67 year old female Plaintiff who was in a mobility scooter, lacerated her leg when it came in contact with a razor sharp metal rod holder at the gate. The wound site became infected and required prolonged IV antibiotic treatment. The wound eventually healed and left a large permanent scar on the front of her leg.

$585,000 Premises Liability

A 42 year old Michigan resident traveled to a resort in the Caribbean Islands for a vacation. While at a resort, the client was injured while dancing in the resort's Disco. At that time, an apparatus near the dance floor fell, causing her to fall to the ground and the apparatus then fell on her ankle, causing a vertical fracture of the talar dome. The employees of the resort failed to secure the apparatus to the floor as was intended. As a result, the client immediately flew back home to Michigan for surgery and over a course of two and-half (2 ½) years, had two more surgical procedures and medical expenses totaling $ 140,000.00.

Jurisdiction was established in Florida, as the central operations for the Caribbean company was operating an office in Florida and suit was filed in Federal Court in Miami. The matter was settled at Mediation.

$350,000 Auto Pedestrian

A 68 year old English citizen with a moderate form of Muscular Dystrophy who required the use of a mobility scooter when walking longer distances, was vacationing in Orlando, Florida, when she was struck by a rental vehicle while crossing the street in her mobility scooter. The rental vehicle was exiting a parking lot which after it exited, proceeded through a red light just in front of a parking lot exit and then struck the mobility scooter trapping the client's foot underneath. This caused a degloving injury to the left foot. As a result, the client was admitted and treated at a local hospital in the Orlando area and returned to England where she had a skin graft procedure to her left foot and subsequently developed a staff infection, which a required a prolonged stay in the hospital and intravenous infection therapy. Her medical bills for treatment in the US totaled $75,000.00.

The remaining medical expenses, including the hospital stay for treatment for the staff infection and the skin graft surgery were covered at no cost under the United Kingdom's National Health System(NHS) and were not reimbursable.

Suit was filed and the matter settled shorlty thereafter.

$545,000 Auto/Bicycle

UK Citizen Bicyclist struck down in an intersection causing an Orbital fracture and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

$470,000 Auto Accident

English Citizen vacationing in Key West, Florida was injured when the transportation bus she was riding in, rear ended a truck at approximately 25 mph. The client who was an unrestrained passenger, (bus not required to have seat belts) struck her head on the headrest of the seat directly in front of her. As a result, she was trasported to the Hospital by ambulance, where she reported headache, neck pain and contusion to the face. A CT Scan of the brain failed to demonstrate any hemorrhages, fractures or masses.

On her return to England three days later, she consulted with various medical professionals, including Cardiologist and a Neurologist. Her complaint consisted of loss of sense of taste and smell for 3-4 months, dizziness and post concussion like symptoms. Ultimately, she was diagnosed with reflex syncope, post traumatic headaches with migranous component and Post Concussion Syndrome.

Barry S. Friedman, Esq. was able to succesfully negotiate a settlement of the claim for the balance of the Bus' Policy Limits of $470,000.00 after apportionment of $30,000.00 for the two other passenger claims.($500,000.00 Policy Limits).

$100,000 Legionnaires/Spoliation

UK Citizen — Plaintiff, age 49, was renting a villa in the Orlando area. He fell ill, was hospitalized and diagnosed with Legionnaires disease. The management company, upon receiving notice of the
Plaintiff's contraction of the disease, replaced all fixtures throughout the villa, threw out all of the old fixtures and never ordered any testing or inspections for Legionella in the villa.

$110,000 Tour Boat Injury

English Citizen visiting South Florida suffered a compression fracture of her lumbar vertebrae when the high speed tour boat she was riding in hit a wake in the bay which was created by the tour boat. She was hospitalized for two days where she had a Kyphoplasty procedure to repair the vertebrae.

$900,000 Auto Accident

lrish Citizen and her four children were passengers in a minivan rented and driven by her ex-boyfriend in Orlando, Florida. As the ex-boyfriend attempted to enter a four lane highway and after traveling across two lanes, he passed the median and the third lane and cut in front of an oncoming auto causing a T-bone collision. All passengers in both vehicles were taken to the hospital by ambulance. The ex-boyfriend was issued a citation by the investigating officer for turning in front of an approaching vehicle.

The Supplemental Liability Policy taken by the ex-boyfriend at the time of the rental in the amount of $1,000,000.00 was ultimately tendered to the most seriously injured child and the driver of the oncoming vehicle which T-boned the minivan. Additionally, Barry Friedman was able to obtain for the most seriously injured child, the maximum per person insurance benefit of $100,000.00 from the oncoming vehicle owners insurance policy by establishing that he was also partly responsible and could have avoided the collision had he been paying proper attention to the roadway. He was also able to secure an additional $50,000.00 from the automobile owners' insurance policy for the less seriously injured mother and the other three children.

$300,000 Dog Bite

English Citizen was visiting the Florida Keys and arranged to rent a vacation villa in the area. She met the owner who had her Japanese Akita sitting next to her on the sidewalk in front of the villa. As the two were talking, the Akita lunged at our client biting the upper portion of her lip. She was rushed to the local hospital where she took 15 stitches and was left with a faint but permanent scar between her lip and nose. The matter was resolved for the full amount of the dog owners homeowners insurance policy.

$250,000 Trip & Fall

English Citizen tripped and fell in an Orlando, Florida shopping mall parking lot, when his foot came into contact with a metal cap protruding through the asphalt parking lot in front of a restaurant, where he and his family planned to eat dinner. He suffered a fractured femur requiring surgery at a local Orlando hospital.

$335,000.00 Air Boat Accident

Boating accident. An Englis Citizen boarded a boat in the everglades for an afternoon tour. During the ride, the tour boat company boat experience a mechanical faliure causing the operator to lose control of the boat and run into a tree. Several passangers were injured and taken to the hospital. Our client suffered a knee injury requiring surgical repair.

$1M Auto/Pedestrian

UK Citizen struck down in a crosswalk by a rideshare vehicle. The client suffered a traumatic brain injury.

$80,000 Trip & Fall

English Citizen visiting Orlando, Florida, tripped and fell at an Orlando theme park. The park was crowded forcing the client to the edgeof the walkway where she stepped on an unnoticeable reaised rounded edge of the walkway, which was the samecolor and texture as the flat portion of the walkway creating the illusion of a flat pathway which was also obstructed by the crowd. When the client stepped on the rounded curb, she suffered an ankle fracture requiring a surgery.

$27,000 Trip & Fall

Australian Citizen tripped and fell over a raised sliding glass door threshold at a villa she had rented in Orlando, Florida which was in excess of the local allowable standards, causing her to suffer a fractured wrist. Suit was filed against the homeowner, the building contractor, the sliding door company, and the concrete companywho laid the concrete for the sliding door company. The matter was settled shortly after the suit was filed.

$75,000 Trip & Fall

Spanish Citizen residing in the UK, was walking along the sidewalk just outside a local Orlando, Florida area shopping center, when she tripped and fell over a raised portion of the sidewalk/slab bordering the roadway. The fall occured at night and the area was poorly lit limiting the clients ability to see the defect. Fortunately, it was discovered that the sidewalk was owned by the shopping plaza owner and not the local governmental agency and pursuant a Lease Agreement between a restaurant tenant and the shopping plaza owner, the sidewalk was required to be maintained by the restaurant tenant in the strip center. The client suffered a fractured wrist and a dislocated shoulder.

$135,000 Auto Accident

A 71 year old Turkish Citizen was injured, when the vehicle in which she was a passenger, violated the right of way of an incoming vehicle. She suffered a fractured finger and wrist requiring internal fixation with wire. This matter was resolved shortly before Trial.

$75,000 Premises Liability

A 63 year old British Citizen was injured on a Florida theme park ride. The ride caused a rotator cuff tear resulting in an arthroscopic repair of his shoulder.

$87,500 Premises Liability/Pool

Irish Citizen - Near drowning in pool. Psychological injuries only.

$90,000 Negligence Burn Injuries

English Citizen - Toddler suffered burns from hot tea in self service restaurant. The mother placed the cup of tea on the table. The toddler who was in a stroller next to his older sister, reached up and grabbed the cup of hot tea when his mother left the table to heat food in the microwave a few steps away.

Confidential Settlement Ship/Jetski

Dutch Citizen - Jet Ski accident in the Caribbean. Group instructor failed to properly instruct riders and surf conditions were too rough, resulting in a fractured pelvis.

$165,000 Trip & Fall

British Citizen - 34 year old woman tripped and fell at a Florida Theme Park and injured her arm. She required surgery and had $50,000 in medical expenses.

$250,000 Trip & Fall

English Citizen tripped and fell down a short flight of unmarked stairs which were the same texture and color as the landing. The client suffered an injury to her knee requiring surgery.

$135,000 Trip & Fall

63 year old English woman fell on smooth polished concrete steps exiting an Orlando resort outdoor hot tub. She suffered a thoracic compression fracture. No surgery or kyphoplasty was required.
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